I can't begin to express my gratitude for your diligent and hard work in assisting with my defense. I am so very humbled and grateful given the outcome of the case. Melissa, I regret that I never had the opportunity to meet you in person. I am sure it would've been a pleasure. Kevin, you hold my deepest respect for your intelligence, confidence and drive. Thank you so much for your representation and advocacy. Please find the enclosed gift cards for each of you. I hope you can both treat yourselves to a dinner together to celebrate your collective efforts and success. If not, please treat yourself to an enjoyable time with a friend or loved one. I wish you both the best now, and in the many years ahead."
"I can't begin to express my gratitude . . . "
I can't begin to express my gratitude for your diligent and hard work in assisting with my defense. I am so very humbled and grateful given the outcome of the case. Melissa, I regret that I never had the opportunity to meet you in person. I am sure it would've been a pleasure. Kevin, you hold my deepest respect for your intelligence, confidence and drive. Thank you so much for your representation and advocacy. Please find the enclosed gift cards for each of you. I hope you can both treat yourselves to a dinner together to celebrate your collective efforts and success. If not, please treat yourself to an enjoyable time with a friend or loved one. I wish you both the best now, and in the many years ahead."