Our qualified attorneys often write legal library articles that will give you information on Virginia criminal laws and penalties, as well as explain possible defenses and strategies for your DUI, traffic or criminal case. These articles will help explain your rights under Virginia laws and educate you on the process you may be facing.
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The Role of Your BAC Level Against DUI Charges in VirginiaYour BAC level may impact your Virginia DUI case. Our Manassas lawyers explain how BAC levels can affect charges, punishments, and the defenses we can raise.
Common Criminal Offenses Virginia College Students Might ExperienceDon’t let a criminal charge as a college student derail your life. Our Virginia lawyers explain what you might face, including penalties, and how we can help.
6 Mistakes to Avoid During a Police InterrogationFollow our Manassas, Virginia lawyers’ advice on crucial mistakes to avoid during a police interrogation that could hurt your criminal defense.
What to Know If You’re Arrested for Gang-Related CrimesKnowing Virginia laws regarding gang recruitment and participation is important if you’re arrested for a gang crime. Our criminal defense lawyers explain more.
Details Regarding Larceny Criminal Offenses and Penalties You Might FaceLarceny offenses can be charged as a misdemeanor or felony in Virginia. Our criminal defense lawyers explain what they are and how we can defend you.
Understanding the Context of Criminal Conspiracy Charges and PenaltiesOur Manassas criminal defense lawyers define criminal conspiracy and its related charges and penalties, as well as how we can strategize on your case.
7 Important Steps to Build a Strong Criminal DefenseHave you been charged with a crime in Virginia? Our Manassas criminal defense lawyers share the strategies we use to help you build a strong defense.
What You Need to Know About Federal and Virginia Racketeering Offenses and SentencesOur Manassas lawyers explain what you need to know about racketeering crimes and punishments under RICO and Virginia law and how we can help defend you.
How Police Could Use Informants to Obtain Evidence Against YouIf the police used an informant to obtain evidence against you, our Manassas lawyers may be able to challenge the informant's credibility. Learn more here.
Evidence a Virginia Prosecutor Could Use Against You in a Criminal CaseOur Manassas criminal defense lawyers explain the types of evidence a Virginia prosecutor may use to try to convict you and how we can help you challenge it.
How an Entrapment Defense Might Help Your CaseCan you use an entrapment defense to fight Virginia criminal charges? Our Manassas lawyers explain what must be proved for this strategy and how we can help.
Why Speaking to Virginia Law Enforcement Officers Won’t Help YouOur experienced Manassas lawyers explain why it's never a good idea to talk to the police if you're a suspect in a criminal investigation or have been arrested.
Revenge Porn: Understanding the Offense and Penalties You Face If Convicted in VirginiaRevenge porn is a Class 1 misdemeanor in Virginia. Our Manassas lawyers explain this crime, evidence a prosecutor may use, and penalties if you’re convicted.
DNA Evidence: How It’s Used in Manassas Criminal Cases and How You Can Challenge ItIs DNA evidence being used by the prosecutor in your Virginia criminal case? Our Manassas attorneys explain DNA and how to challenge the test results.
Defenses You Can Use If Charged With a Crime in ManassasEven if you’re guilty, you may have common defenses to fight criminal charges in Virginia. Our Manassas attorneys explain types of defenses we successfully use.
Understanding Your Constitutional Right to a Speedy Trial in a Virginia Criminal CaseIf you were charged with a crime in Virginia, you have a right to a speedy trial. Our Manassas attorneys explain this right and what happens if it’s violated.
How You Might Get Assault and Battery Against a Family Member Charges Dismissed In VirginiaWere you arrested for assault and battery against a family member in Virginia? We explain common reasons that the charges against you may be dropped.
Bail in Virginia Criminal Cases: What You Need to Know If You’re Charged With a Crime in VirginiaYou may be released on bail after an arrest in Virginia. Learn about the types of bail, setting bail, and bail conditions you may have to follow.
Benefits and Drawbacks of Entering Into a Plea Agreement in Your Manassas Criminal CaseShould you accept a plea agreement in your criminal case? Here, a Manassas criminal defense lawyer explains the pros and cons of agreeing to a plea deal.
What You Need to Know if You’re Charged With Gambling Fraud in VirginiaCertain forms of gambling are illegal in Virginia. Our criminal defense attorneys explain gambling fraud crimes and the penalties you face if convicted.