Our Virginia Criminal Defense Lawyers Can Help You Counter False Domestic Assault Accusations With Facts 

If you’re found guilty of domestic assault and battery under Virginia Code § 18.2-57.2, you face harsh punishments that include possible incarceration. Unfortunately, a spouse, romantic partner, or family member could falsely accuse you of committing this crime. 

Our experienced criminal defense lawyers at The Wilson Law Firm have successfully defended our clients wrongfully charged with assault and battery against a family or household member. We pursue all possible defenses to fight the charges you face, which can help get the charges dropped or reduced to a less serious offense.

Why Accusers Make False Accusations of Domestic Violence handling-false-domestic-assault-accusations-in-virginia

There are many reasons an individual may lie about being the victim of domestic assault. Here are some of the most common.

  • Anger or jealousy. If you’re breaking up with a spouse or partner, they may accuse you of committing domestic violence because they’re angry over the situation or jealous that you’re in a new relationship.
  • Legal leverage. If you’re in a contested divorce or custody battle with your spouse or partner, they could lie about you assaulting them to make it more difficult for you to obtain custody of your children or receive a favorable property settlement.
  • Revenge. If a family member, spouse, or romantic partner is angry with you for some reason, they might bring domestic violence charges against you out of spite.

Protect Your Rights Against False Domestic Assault Accusations

If you’re wrongfully accused of assault and battery against a family or household member, you must immediately defend yourself. Here are crucial steps our criminal defense lawyers recommend:

  • Don’t get involved. Avoid any type of dispute with your partner or family. Don’t argue with or scream at them, and certainly don’t threaten them. Call the police right away if you’re worried for your safety.
  • Take photos and videos. Visual documentation of the incident and injuries is critical to proving what really happened.
  • Preserve other evidence. Collect any texts, emails, or letters that help establish the nature of the relationship and any other evidence you believe relates to false accusations. 
  • Remain silent. Don’t try to explain your way out of domestic assault charges with the police. Instead, exercise your right to remain silent so that what you say isn’t used against you.
  • Retain an attorney. Contact our criminal defense lawyers at The Wilson Law Firm immediately if you’re charged with domestic violence. We understand the intricacies of Virginia’s domestic assault laws and will collect the evidence needed to help prove your innocence. 
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