Although, of course, everybody is different in degree, as a general rule once alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream and reached the brain, it has relatively predictable effects on us all.
Alcohol and the Central Nervous System: The fact that alcohol decreases inhibitions, many people believe alcohol is a stimulant. This is not true. Alcohol is a depressant which deadens nerve endings, impacts judgment, and in large enough quantities can result in coma and death.
Alcohol and Reaction Time and Coordination: As blood alcohol concentration increases, reaction time increases and muscular coordination decreases.
Alcohol and Vision: Glare recovery can be delayed, and perception of moving objects and peripheral vision can deteriorate as blood alcohol concentration increases.
Alcohol and Skin: Although absorption of alcohol through the skin is negligible, alcohol causes the “flushed face” of the habitual drinker.
Alcohol and the Kidneys: Alcohol is a diuretic, and moderate use of alcohol is not believed to cause harm to the kidneys.
Alcohol and the Liver: Consumption of alcohol causes the accumulation of fat in the liver. Moderate use of alcohol is not believed to cause harm to the liver as long as the person eats a healthy diet.