When you've been charged with a serious traffic offense such as reckless driving, agreeing to attend traffic school may help you get the charge reduced or dropped. Although judges aren’t required to allow traffic school to be used in lieu of fines or jail time, it's well worth discussing this strategy with your attorney if you're a first-time offender with a clean driving record.
What Would I Learn in Traffic School?
In Virginia, traffic school is formally known as a driver improvement clinic. The classes cover defensive driving tips and other strategies to keep you safe on the road. In addition to being used to reduce or drop traffic charges, they can help you earn safe driving points and become eligible for certain car insurance discounts.
Where Do I Find a Driver Improvement Clinic?
There are traffic schools throughout the state and you can search for a location near you on the Virginia DMV website.
If you don't live near a driver improvement clinic or have scheduling conflicts, you can choose to complete an online course. The online option lets you complete most of the assignments from the privacy of your own home, but the final exam must still be completed at a testing site location. If you're a teen driver or committed your offense while you were under age 20, the court won't allow an online traffic school program to reduce or drop your ticket. You'll be required to complete a course with in-person instruction.
How Much Does It Cost?
Fines and the associated court costs can easily leave you with several hundred dollars in unexpected expenses. However, traffic school fees are capped at no more than $100. This makes attending a driver improvement clinic one of the most affordable ways to address your ticket.
What Other Strategies Are Available to Address My Ticket?
Attending traffic school is just one of the many possibilities that can be used to reduce or drop your ticket. To learn more about your legal options, please call T. Kevin Wilson today to schedule a free, no-obligation case review.
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