I've developed a particular fondness for defending those accused in the DUI because I think it's one of the areas that law where the playing field is the most unfair. I think the system is definitely tilted in favor of prosecution and I really think people accused of DUI in Virginia don't get a fair shake. The more I've learn about DUI law in Virginia the more I've come to realize that the system really is slanted against defendants and they need as zealous advocate to help them work their way through the system.
The overwhelming majority of my DUI clients in Virginia are people who have committed their first offense. They are the school teacher, the bus driver, the high-level senior executive government worker, military personnel and they are people who are otherwise responsible members of society, productive, pay the taxes, they are not enough criminal justice system. These are people who have led very good lives and made a mistake on one occasion.
I take great pride in being able to help my clients through this difficult system. Often times it makes the difference in
keeping a career, keeping their home, keeping the family together. The consequences of a DUI in Virginia can be devastating. Not only can you lose your freedom you can lose your ability to to drive and earn a living. Of course back and have fallout in terms of losing your home and your family and I take great pleasure in great pride in being able to help people get through this system and make the best out of a bad situation.
If you someone you care about has been arrested for DUI in Virginia and the outcome of the case is important, call us. We do DUI defense we've helped thousands of people and we can help you, too.