Being charged with DUI can be a frightening and stressful experience. If you are like most people, it may be your first time being arrested and booked at a police station.

Unfortunately, there are good reasons to be worried if you are facing DUI charges. This crime is punished harshly in Virginia. However, you can take steps to manage the stress you are experiencing.

Seven Tips on Managing the Stress of a DUI Arrest

Stressed Driver After a DUICoping with the stress of DUI charges can prevent you from becoming overwhelmed and can help you move forward with your life. Here are eight tips that can help:

  • Don’t be too hard on yourself. You should not beat yourself up over the fact that you were arrested for DUI. While it is true that you made a mistake, it will not help you to become overwhelmed by feelings of guilt and anger at yourself.
  • Hire a lawyer. One of the best ways to reduce your stress is to retain an experienced DUI lawyer as soon as possible after your arrest. A lawyer can explain the possible consequences you face, answer your questions, and help you develop a strong defense strategy to fight the charges you face.
  • Join an alcohol support group. You may find it helpful to join an alcohol support group and meet with people who have gone through what you are going through. Their support can help alleviate your worries even if you do not believe that you have an alcohol problem.
  • Reach out to family and friends. You should talk about your concerns with family and friends who will be supportive. You may be surprised to learn that one of them has also been charged with DUI and can offer advice from their own experiences. However, stay clear of family and friends who are not supportive or who are bad influences in your life.
  • Exercise. Exercising can be a big help in reducing stress and managing your moods. Now is a good time to start a regular exercise and healthy eating program.
  • Seek professional help. If you are becoming too anxious or depressed, you may want to consult with a mental health professional. A professional can help cope with your feelings and may be able to prescribe medications if this is necessary.
  • Talk to your attorney. Discuss your stress with your lawyer. They have helped many clients facing these charges who have experienced feelings similar to yours. They could have additional tips on how to manage your feelings.

Were you charged with DUI in Virginia? Our knowledgeable DUI legal team will aggressively fight the charges you face so that you achieve the best possible outcome in your criminal case. We are also here to answer your questions and advise you on what to expect in your DUI case. To find out more about how we can assist you, call our Manassas office or start a live chat to schedule a free case evaluation today.


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