Our qualified attorneys often write legal library articles that will give you information on Virginia criminal laws and penalties, as well as explain possible defenses and strategies for your DUI, traffic or criminal case. These articles will help explain your rights under Virginia laws and educate you on the process you may be facing.
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Virginia Moving Violations and Point AssessmentsThe Virginia DMV is notified by the court when a person is convicted of a traffic offense. Certain traffic offenses are assigned demerit points.
Impact of Body Weight and Body Type on BAC LevelsIn general, the less you weigh the more you will be affected by a given amount of alcohol. Call T888-DUI-LWYR (888-384-5997) for a free consultation.
Rate of Consumption of Ethanol AlcoholPeople absorb alcohol and become drunk much faster than they can metabolize and eliminate alcohol and become sober. Call us at 1-888-384-5997 for a consultation
Alcohol Content of Various Alcoholic BeveragesIf you’ve been charged with a criminal, traffic, Drunk Driving or Reckless Driving offense in VA, call us at 1-888-384-5997 for a no obligation consultation.
Impairment and Food, Medication and FatigueHaving a meal just before drinking alcohol will result in a lower, delayed blood alcohol concentration peak (the point of greatest intoxication).
Drug Tolerance Defined By Criminal Defense Attorney Kevin WilsonTolerance is the reduction of the effectiveness of a drug after a period of prolonged or heavy use of that drug or a related drug.
Attorney General for Jersey v. Holley
Bar Meetings
Dealing Marijuana
Deciding Factor
Legal Advice
Martin v. State
Miranda Berkemer v. McCarty
Miranda v. Arizona
Passing the Bar
Powell v. Texas
What is a standard "drink"?Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) is partially based on how much an someone has to drink which is relative their definition of a "standard drink".
After Conviction
Distribution of Ethanol AlcoholBlood carries absorbed alcohol to various organs and tissues of the body and will deposit alcohol in proportion to the water content of organs and tissues.
Absorption of Ethanol AlcoholAlcohol is absorbed all throughout the gastrointestinal tract. Peak blood alcohol concentrations are achieved in as little as 30 minutes or as much as 6 hours.