Our qualified attorneys often write legal library articles that will give you information on Virginia criminal laws and penalties, as well as explain possible defenses and strategies for your DUI, traffic or criminal case. These articles will help explain your rights under Virginia laws and educate you on the process you may be facing.
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Implied Consent Law in Virginia And The 3 Hour RuleVirginia’s Implied Consent law essentially states that drivers in Virginia impliedly consent to provide breath/blood test within 3 hours of legal DUI arrest.
Was Your Virginia DUI Arrest Made Unlawfully?Have you been stopped by an officer unlawfully? If so, contact a Virginia DUI defense lawyer at the Wilson Law Firm at 800-DUI-LWYR.
How is Burglary and Breaking and Entering Punishable in Virginia?If you have been arrested for burglary or breaking and entering in northern Virginia, call a VA criminal defense attorney at the Wilson Law Firm at 703-361-6100
Acid Reflux Affects the Breathalyzer and Your BAC ReadingGet your FREE book DUI/DWI Virginia Arrest Survival Guide – The Guilt Myth and call the Wilson Law Firm if you have been arrested for DUI in Virginia 800-DUI-LW
What are the Standardized Field Sobriety Tests?There are three standardized field sobriety tests that law enforcement use on individuals they presume are driving under the influence. Read more here.
What are the Penalties for Embezzlement Felony Charges in Virginia?If you have been arrested for embezzlement in Northern VA, there may be defenses that an experienced criminal defense attorney can use to lessen your jail time.
Recent Changes in Virginia DUI LawsThere were several new DUI bills introduced in the Virginia Senate recently. Three were defeated and one regarding penalties for underage DUI passed.
What First-Time and Repeat DUI Offenders in Virginia Need to KnowThere is a bill that was just advanced in the House Courts of Justice committee regarding first-time DUI offenders in Virginia. Call us at (800) DUI-LWYR today.
Possible Defenses for Credit Card Fraud Offenses in VirginiaIf you have been arrested for credit card theft in Virginia, there may be possible defenses that a Criminal Defense Attorney can use to lower your charges
Virginia DUI Attorney May Help You Get Into Rehab and Out of JailThere are options for keeping those with DUI charges in Virginia out of jail. Call the Wilson Law Firm and we will fight to get your charges lessened.
What You Should Know About Drug Manufacturing Crimes in Virginia - Including Possible DefensesDrug manufacturing is a criminal offense and is punishable by jail time and heavy fees. You need to contact an experienced Northern VA criminal defense lawyer.
Can I get My DUI Conviction Expunged in Virginia?Many people in Virginia want to know if their DUI can be expunged or sealed. Read this article to find out the truth and myths behind expungement laws in VA.
Improve Your Chances of Driving Again After a DUI ConvictionWhen you get arrested for DUI in Virginia, your driver’s license can be suspended. There are steps to take to get your driver’s license reinstated.
Possible Defenses for a Virginia Assault and Battery Case Used By Battery LawyersIf you have been arrested on assault and battery charges in northern Virginia, contact the criminal defense attorneys at the Wilson Law Firm today
There Is No Difference Between DUI and DWI Offenses According To Virginia LawMany people believe there is a difference between a DUI and DWI arrest in Virginia. This article explains that the two terms are used interchangeably in VA.
Know the Drunk Driving Penalties Facing Virginia DriversIf you are arrested for DUI in Virginia or have wrongly been convicted of driving under the influence of drugs, contact attorney T. Kevin Wilson today.
Understanding the Penalties for Reckless Driving in VirginiaHave you been ticketed for reckless driving in VA? The penalties for this offense can lead to jail time, thousands of dollars in fines, and a criminal record.
What is the Difference Between the PBT and Breathalyzer?Many drivers do not understand the difference between the PBT and the official breathalyzer test. A driver can refuse to take the PBT.
Breath Alcohol Tests Aren’t Always Accurate – False Readings Can OccurContact a knowledgeable DUI defense lawyer who understands Virginia DUI laws and the flaws in the breathalyzer tests and technology used to convict you.
Warrantless ArrestsWhether officers in Virginia have authority to arrest, without a warrant, for misdemeanors is a complicated one which many people simply do not understand.